“When Kayli was about to begin 5th grade, she noticed that she wasn’t able to see the board at school very well. I took her to an eye doctor and had her eyes checked where she did agree that she needed glasses. Six months in, they weren’t helping. I was looking for a more thorough type of eye doctor that could treat more. That is when I found Bella Vision.
Still not working very much, Dr. Wilson didn’t stop and tried another prescription. At this point we were on year two trying to find the right fit. After numerous attempts, Dr. Wilson suggested testing her to see if Vision Therapy was a good fit. Her problem wasn’t as much vision as it was focal.
Once Kayli was tested it was very obvious that she needed Vision Therapy. My husband and I were extremely skeptical…I mean, who has even heard of this? We decided that it was worth a shot and the alternative was her continuing to struggle to see. Also, Dr. Wilson called me and said she noticed that the results Kayli had (from her visual efficiency exam) were looking like she had a concussion… SHE HAD (a concussion) 3 years prior! So this was all because of a concussion after falling at the pool.
She was tested before starting, midway through, and on the last day of therapy at 34 weeks. Still, at the time of the mid-point test, I was not believing this would work. By the end of the mid-point test, I was believing.
Now that it’s all over and she’s been through Vision Therapy I am a parent that is extremely thankful for Dr. Wilson and Kristen (Vision Therapist). Vision Therapy really works! Kayli’s vision is nearly perfect. She does need glasses for distance but as far as her focusing issue, they taught her how to overcome and adjust her eyes.”