Success Stories

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A Huge Impact

“I feel like Vision Therapy has made a huge impact on my life. It has impacted my school work, my reading, and I don’t get as sleepy anymore, and I don’t get as many headaches as I used to (when I read).”

Middle School Student 

“Vision Therapy has helped me in school to read on my grade level. I also feel more confident about school.”

Elementary School Student

“Vision Therapy has helped me read faster and canceled out any double vision. I don’t have anymore headaches after doing close work and my eyes don’t feel as tired. I am also more active in school.”

Middle School Student

“When I started Vision Therapy, I could barely read a page in several minutes. Now I can read a page per minute with no trouble. It has improved my reading and schoolwork, and I saw improvements in the first week. It was amazing.”

Middle School Student

“Before Vision Therapy, I couldn’t see street signs in the distance. I also experienced double vision when I was tired and would lose my place when reading. Reading exhausted me, as well. After Vision Therapy, I have learned how to relax my eyes in order to read street signs, I can keep my place while reading, and I can correct my double vision when I haven’t had a good night’s rest. I am now more eager to read 🙂 Thank you, Kristen and Dr. Wilson!”

College Student

“In my life before Vision Therapy, basic school (assignments) such as reading without the letters moving around and reading comprehension were much harder, if not impossible. After Vision Therapy, my work and testing has become much easier. My eyes feel less strained and my overall performance is better. (Vision Therapy) may not be your first choice of things to do, but it is worth it for the benefits that will last a lifetime.”

High School Student

“Dr. Wilson found Jakob had double vision. Within 2 months (of starting Vision Therapy) he was choosing to read on his own. His confidence improved greatly with the ability to understand what he is reading. This has done more for him than years in a special (academic) program. Jakob always looked forward to his sessions even though he knew he had to work hard there and at home.”

Middle School Student

“Reading is effortless now. I can read for long periods of time without exhaustion. (Vision Therapy) has corrected aspects of my reading that I thought were ‘normal’ but were actually problematic. It has helped me improve my reading skills in ways I didn’t think possible.”

High School Student

“I cannot thank the staff and Dr. Wilson enough at Bella Vision. I am 19 and I thought I had to accept a long life of headaches and eye pain. With the help of everyone there I quickly learned through corrective lenses and (Vision) Therapy, I could start the road to recovery. I am looking forward to my second year in college where I can read and write without eye pain and fatigue because of all the help Bella Vision has offered me.”

College Student

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

“Charlie has always loved baseball. So when he discovered an old Nintendo Wii baseball video game at our house, it was no different. He loved it and played each day after school. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize how the screen time would negatively impact his ability to actually perceive a real baseball! We began to see him struggle more often during his baseball games. He was having trouble making contact with the ball and was growing frustrated. The toughest part was to see a sport that he loved so much was quickly becoming something he didn’t enjoy anymore.”

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

“I was so grateful to learn that Vision Therapy could improve his perception of the ball, but more importantly, restore his love for the game. We, of course, quit all screen time with that video game and began treatment. Early on in therapy, Charlie had a hard time focusing and could barely get through the sessions. But by the end of treatment, he could move easily through each exercise and was able to regain his visual skills, and more importantly, build his overall confidence! His Vision Therapist, Kristen, and Dr. Wilson were so kind and patient with him during the whole process. We are so grateful and, of course, we plan on a lot more baseball games in the future. Thank you, Bella Vision for all of your help!”

Elementary School Student

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

Mom: “Matthew had difficulty reading long passages on a computer screen that resulted in issues with standardized testing. Matthew also chose Graphic Novels for reading, possibly due to issues reading from left to right cohesively.”

Matthew: “I struggled to read so I never really got to read the books that I wanted to. So I just briefly looked over them and was like, “OK, I finished a book.”

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

Mom: “Matthew no longer has difficulties reading on the computer or in print. Matthew enjoys books of all types now and loves to read. Vision Therapy worked for Matthew’s issues. Testing (a visual efficiency exam) was an eye-opener and helped us understand and treat issues not detected during a routine eye exam.”

Matthew: “It’s very enjoyable and full of books! I also feel more focused and patient. (Vision Therapy) is very fun but challenging and when you pass an activity it feels so satisfying. Also when you get done with your activities, you get to do a fun activity of your choice.”

Middle School Student

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

“She was a slow reader and reading gave her headaches. Getting her to read for school was a challenge- a battle, really. She was also making a lot of careless mistakes in math despite testing in the 99th percentile.” ⠀

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

“She reads much faster and even picks up a book sometimes without having to be asked. The number of careless mistakes in math has dropped dramatically. Schoolwork and homework are much easier and quicker to accomplish now, and she has much more confidence.” Mom went on to say, “(Vision Therapy) is worth every penny! It takes a lot of work and dedication, but you won’t regret it. The persistence pays off. Bella Vision, and Kristen (Therapist) more specifically could not have been more encouraging every step of the way. We are grateful!”

Middle School Student

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

“Before Vision Therapy, I would fatigue quickly while reading. I would frequently have to re-read paragraphs and lose my concentration easily. Some days I would become frustrated and tired even doing normal everyday activities. I would occasionally have an annoying feeling of something being not quite right with my eyes.”

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

“After Vision Therapy, I can read faster without fatiguing, and I rarely have to re-read anything. I have more energy and the frustration is gone. That annoying feeling is gone, too. It was a little bit of a time commitment, but totally worth it. It improved my ability to read, and it also improved my day-to-day life. I only wish I had figured it out sooner, before college and grad school.”

Young Professional

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

MOM: “Michael struggled with migraines since he was two years old. Academically, he performed well, but he had to work at it and math was a challenge for him, likely because he saw numbers ‘doubled’.”

MICHAEL: “I had trouble focusing on objects at a distance, writing, and I got really tired when doing close-up work (reading, math, etc). I also got frequent migraines.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

MOM: “Michael’s migraines are gone. He hasn’t had one in months. His school performance is great and even his high school level math class is going well – he has a solid ‘A’ in it. Vision Therapy is definitely worth the time and financial investment.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

MICHAEL: “Since starting Vision Therapy, I’ve had much less trouble with focusing and I don’t get tired as easily when using my eyes.”⠀

High School Student

Describe life BEFORE Vision Therapy

“For five years I had various symptoms all because of double vision. My balance was way off, so I fell a lot, walked into walls and stairs were a nightmare. I was uncomfortable in many everyday activities – reading, driving, grocery shopping, finding books at the library.”

Describe life AFTER Vision Therapy:

“I’m not sure there are words to describe the feeling of freedom I have. The world is still and not spinning before my eyes. I don’t have to squint to see anymore. I am more open to going places now being able to walk and go up and down stairs without my husband’s assistance. I can even write and stay on the lines.”

Is there anything you would like to share with other patients who are considering Vision Therapy? “DO IT!!! The results are night and day. Don’t let your age hinder your decision. I used to think I would feel disoriented the rest of my life…not a way to live. It is so worth the time and money. Dr. Wilson and Kristen were such encouragers. What a great experience! Thank you a hundred times!”

Describe Life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

Life Before Vision Therapy was VERY frustrating for me to say the least. I was very emotional, fearful, confused and just filled with anxiety about the future. In January 2008, I was involved in a terrible accident where I flipped over a bridge and landed upside down on my head. God truly blessed me. I walked out of the accident with no visible injuries, just a minor piece of glass that was flushed out of my eye. I went a good 8 more years of what I believed to be perfect health until December 9, 2016. (yes, I remember the actual date).

This began my downward spiral of what appeared to be a major health decline for me.  I was dealing with extreme dizziness, lightheadedness, dehydration, weight fluctuation, headaches, which as a result also changed my attitude and behavior in where I had feelings of anxiety, and depression at times. Even during these times of emotional stress and health issues, the Lord blessed me with the love of my life in March of 2017 to walk this (at times, lonely) journey with me.

There were multiple trips to the ER, neurologist, endocrinologist, chiropractor, rheumatologist, vestibular rehabilitation therapist and ENT doctor all throughout South Carolina and even Atlanta, Georgia. I was trying to find the answer, but no solution. Then towards the end of 2018, I visited the Optometrist at the BMW Associate Family Health Center. He informed me that I was experiencing double vision. This was my first-time hearing of this news. He then began to explain that he could either prescribe prisms or refer me to Bella Vision for (Vision) Therapy. I had NEVER heard of Vision Therapy, but thought I’d give it a try. I tell you…I am so grateful that I decided to go, because it absolutely CHANGED MY LIFE!

Describe Life AFTER Vision Therapy:

Life after vision therapy? Where do I began?

I feel like I can conquer the world, with no fear! I am happily married, I have been promoted in my career, and now pursuing the dream of having my own business, all with less dizzy spells. The tools Kristen introduced me to were mind blowing. We would literally just stop and take in that inconceivable moment after completing an exercise…just to fully embrace the journey and witness just how amazing the brain and eyes are connected.  I know without a shadow of a doubt, if I had NOT experienced vision therapy, I would have NOT pursued career changes and entrepreneurship with such energy and passion like I am now.

But, you see, it’s not just the tools that changed my life. It was the family atmosphere and love and support given by Kristen and Dr. Wilson. Those ladies are complete jewels in my life. They have such a passion to help people who are struggling with their vision. It’s a judgement free zone filled with love and motivation. Kristen and I built such a wonderful relationship, that I literally see her as my sister. We have such a bond because she could relate to me. It felt SO good to explain my issues and someone GET IT! I left the land of loneliness. Kristen pushed me to get out of this depressive and defeated mindset and embrace a life of growth, opportunities and hope. She encouraged me to speak what I want to see into existence and not allow what I am currently feeling to be considered my way of living forever. She taught me to think globally and not get too bogged down with the details because of the stress it would cause. You see, this was not just Vision Therapy for me…this was a mentorship, friendship, sisterhood. I am forever grateful to Kristen and I miss her terribly!

Is there anything you’d like to share with other patients who are considering Vision Therapy?

For anyone who is considering Vision Therapy with Bella Vision, I say to you, “YOU ARE WORTH IT! INVEST IN YOURSELF AND RECEIVE THE GUARANTEED HELP AND RESULTS! The entire staff there is phenomenal, professional, very knowledgeable and genuine! If you’re looking to be treated like another patient, then this place is not for you. Now, if you’re looking for a family who showers you with love, support and encouragement, then look no further.  This family has been there for me.

LaKeta wanted to personally thank members of our team and shared the following:

To Carly, Abby and Phyliss. You ladies ROCK! If ever I needed some spunk and excitement, I knew I would get it from you three! Your energy and spirit lifted me up, even on my challenging days and trust me there were some. Thank you all for just being a dynamite support.

Dr. Wilson, thank you for being a beacon of hope. I was so nervous when I first had the eye exam with you, but you made it SO relaxing. I felt at ease with you and you got me excited and more interested into how the brain and eyes work together. It’s AMAZING!! You truly love what you do, and your enthusiasm and passion just exude and takes over the room. You are a trail blazer and one truly touch the lives of those you encounter. Thank you, sweetness!

And finally, my Vision Therapist… (drum roll) KRISTEN FAUST!! Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for KRISTEN FAUST! Ok, so you know I had to be dramatic…what did you expect, I am a singer lol! Where do I EVEN begin. YOU ARE AMAZING! EXTRAORDINARY! ONE OF KIND! SUPPORTER! SHOULDER TO CRY ON! PICK ME UPPER! CHANGE AGENT! MOTIVATOR! ACTIVATOR! And SO MUCH MORE! You have been a dear friend and sister. Sister from another mother…OK! LOL! I love you Kristen and appreciate you greatly! There were days where I thought, “is it going to get better.” And you would always reassure me, yes it will. “Just do the work and watch your life improve.” Speak it into existence and believe that it will come to pass!” “This is only temporary.” Better days are coming. Thank you for listening to me when I just wanted to rant and release the stress. Thank you for that LAMP!

Thank you for the counseling sessions and thank you for the PUSH! You pushed me to embrace healing! You pushed me to pursue a life free from dizziness, double vision and lightheadedness. Both you and Dr. Wilson did that for me! I love ALL of you very much…Bella Vision is family to me! And that’s ENOUGH!

“When Kayli was about to begin 5th grade, she noticed that she wasn’t able to see the board at school very well. I took her to an eye doctor and had her eyes checked where she did agree that she needed glasses. Six months in, they weren’t helping. I was looking for a more thorough type of eye doctor that could treat more. That is when I found Bella Vision.

Still not working very much, Dr. Wilson didn’t stop and tried another prescription. At this point we were on year two trying to find the right fit. After numerous attempts, Dr. Wilson suggested testing her to see if Vision Therapy was a good fit. Her problem wasn’t as much vision as it was focal.

Once Kayli was tested it was very obvious that she needed Vision Therapy. My husband and I were extremely skeptical…I mean, who has even heard of this? We decided that it was worth a shot and the alternative was her continuing to struggle to see. Also, Dr. Wilson called me and said she noticed that the results Kayli had (from her visual efficiency exam) were looking like she had a concussion… SHE HAD (a concussion) 3 years prior! So this was all because of a concussion after falling at the pool.

She was tested before starting, midway through, and on the last day of therapy at 34 weeks. Still, at the time of the mid-point test, I was not believing this would work. By the end of the mid-point test, I was believing.

Now that it’s all over and she’s been through Vision Therapy I am a parent that is extremely thankful for Dr. Wilson and Kristen (Vision Therapist). Vision Therapy really works! Kayli’s vision is nearly perfect. She does need glasses for distance but as far as her focusing issue, they taught her how to overcome and adjust her eyes.”

Our Location

Conveniently located on Spartanburg’s east side. If you have any difficulty locating us, please give us a call

Our Address

  • 142 Fernwood Drive
  • Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Awards


Best Vitamins for Dry Eyes

Dry Eye

Supplements and vitamins that are essential to your eye health include:
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Omega 3 Fatty Acids

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October 21, 2024

What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

Vision Therapy

Conditions vision therapy can treat include:
Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)
Oculomotor Dysfunction
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Strabismus (eye turn)
Convergence insufficiency
Visual Processing Delays
Post Concussion Vision Syndrome

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September 24, 2024
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FCOVD

How To Help A Child Struggling With Reading & Learning

Children’s Eye Care, Vision Therapy

a comprehensive eye exam should be the first step in order to evaluate if there is a binocular vision problem that could be contributing. […]

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September 23, 2024
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FCOVD
A close view of a woman's eye showing redness from dry eyes.

Supplements and vitamins that are essential to your eye health include:
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Omega 3 Fatty Acids

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An eye doctor discussing vision therapy with a child and her mother during an eye exam.

Conditions vision therapy can treat include:
Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)
Oculomotor Dysfunction
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Strabismus (eye turn)
Convergence insufficiency
Visual Processing Delays
Post Concussion Vision Syndrome

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A young girl sitting at home struggles to do homework because of vision problems

a comprehensive eye exam should be the first step in order to evaluate if there is a binocular vision problem that could be contributing. […]

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