Dry Eye Solutions in Spartanburg

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A Customized Treatment Solution

Living with dry eyes can be irritating, but the team at Bella Vision has helpful solutions within reach.

During a comprehensive eye exam, we’ll go over your current lifestyle and medical history to determine the cause of your symptoms and provide a custom treatment plan based on your unique eyes. Our technology, techniques, and expertise can help you find relief.

Don’t let dry eyes affect your day-to-day any longer. Book your appointment to take the next step in bringing comfort back to your vision.

What Is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease occurs when your tears can’t provide sufficient lubrication for your eyes. Either you’re not producing enough tears, or the quality of your tears isn’t adequate to maintain moisture. This is known as aqueous dry eye and evaporative dry eye.

Aqueous dry eye occurs when there is a lack of water production from the lacrimal glands. When not enough water is in your tears, your eyes lack hydration.

Evaporative dry eye is the more common form of dry eye disease. It occurs when your tear makeup lacks enough oil, which is responsible for preventing your tears from evaporating too quickly.

It’s important to visit your eye doctor for a customized treatment solution to avoid further complications such as eye infections or damage to the eyes’ surface.

The Importance
of Your Tears

Your tears are an essential part of keeping your eyes healthy. They provide moisture and help wash away bacteria and other debris from your eyes. 

Your tear film is made up of 3 important layers:

  • Mucus Layer—responsible for keeping your tears adhered to your eye
  • Water Layer—responsible for keeping your eye hydrated and washing away bacteria
  • Oil Layer—responsible for keeping your tears smooth, clear, and preventing them from evaporating

The oil in your tears is produced by tiny glands in your eye called meibomian glands. If they become clogged, your tears lack the oil and can evaporate too quickly. This is known as meibomian gland dysfunction.

Dry Eye Causes & Symptoms


Dry eye disease can be caused by a number of different internal and external factors, including:

  • Aging—tear production can diminish with age. Many people over the age of 65 experience dry eye symptoms.
  • Hormonal Changes—pregnancy, menopause, or hormone medication can cause a decrease in tear production.
  • Certain Medications—antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, and blood pressure medication can decrease tear production.
  • Certain Medical Conditions—individuals with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid problems are likely to experience dry eye symptoms.
  • Your Environment—wind, smoke, and dry air can decrease your tear volume due to tears evaporating too quickly.

Talking with your eye doctor about your medical history, including medications you take, and your current lifestyle can help us find a personalized solution to treat your dry eye symptoms.


The symptoms of dry eye usually affect both eyes, and can include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Stinging or scratchy sensation
  • Mucus in or around the eyes
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Trouble wearing contact lenses comfortably
  • Eye redness
  • Excessive eye watering

Diagnosing Dry Eyes

Step 1: Regular Eye Exams

Diagnosing dry eyes starts with a visit to your eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of dry eye disease, please fill out the following questionnaire. A score of 6 or above means it’s time to schedule an appointment so we can help restore your comfort.

Step 2: Detecting Dry Eyes

When you visit us for a dry eye assessment, we’ll test for any deficiencies in your tears and how well your eyes are maintaining moisture. Fill out our SPEED questionnaire to indicate the symptoms you’re experiencing and book an appointment today.

Step 3: Customizing a Treatment Plan

After accurately assessing your eyes, we’ll develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific symptoms and visual needs. Your treatment plan can include both in-office and at-home treatments for best results.

Fill out our quick self-assessment to determine the severity of your current symptoms.

Step 4: Monitoring & Maintaining

Dry eye disease is a chronic condition, but with regular monitoring and maintenance, it can be managed. Alleviate your irritating symptoms with the help of the team at Bella Vision. Don’t wait! Book your next appointment today.

Treatment Solutions to Provide Relief

At Bella Vision, we’re dedicated to helping you find relief. We offer a variety of solutions to help target the cause of your dry eye symptoms. By visiting us for a comprehensive exam, we can determine the treatment option right for you.

OptiLight by Lumenis is an effective, noninvasive treatment to help alleviate symptoms of dry eye disease caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.

This treatment system uses intense pulsed light (IPL), meaning pulses of light energy are administered to the skin around the eyes to:

  • Decrease inflammation
  • Minimize abnormal blood vessels
  • Improve the function of the meibomian glands
  • Significantly improve tear break-up time
  • Reduce the population of Demodex mites and bacteria around your eye

Visit us to determine if OptiLight can provide you relief from your uncomfortable dry eye symptoms.

iLux is a handheld device used to treat evaporative dry eye caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. It uses heat and gentle compression to unclog thick oil blocking the meibomian glands.

Your eyelid will be held between 2 soft pads while targeted light heats the area to melt the thick oil. Once warm, gentle compression will be performed to help excrete the oil from the glands. Unclogging the meibomian glands can allow healthy oil to flow back into the tear film and help prevent evaporation.

A treatment with iLux takes only around 8–12 minutes to complete.

TempSure Envi is an effective and noninvasive treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction. This handheld device uses radiofrequency to safely and gently heat the skin around the eyes to melt thick oil blocking the meibomian glands. Once unclogged, a sufficient amount of oil can be secreted into the tear film to prevent your tears from evaporating too quickly.

TempSure Envi is also an effective treatment for fine lines and improving skin elasticity. Not only can you find relief from your dry eye symptoms, you can rejuvenate your skin at the same time!

BlephEx is a quick and effective in-office procedure used to treat eyelid inflammation and promote good eyelid hygiene. Your eye doctor will use the handheld device fitting with a medical-grade micro-sponge to gently and safely remove any bacteria and debris. Cleaner, healthier eyelids are an essential part of normal tear production.

Your Destination for Dry Eye Relief

If you’re experiencing the symptoms of dry eye disease, we’re here to help! We take the time with each of our patients to discuss and evaluate their eye health.

During our detailed exams, we can determine what’s causing your discomfort to provide an effective treatment right for you. Get the care you need by booking your next appointment at Bella Vision.

Our Location

Conveniently located on Spartanburg’s east side. If you have any difficulty locating us, please give us a call

Our Address

  • 142 Fernwood Drive
  • Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Awards


Enhancing Visual Perceptual Skills: Strategies for Development

Vision Therapy

These skills can take time to develop and master; fortunately, as a parent, you can help by regularly engaging in activities and playing with your child like games, puzzles and outside play, you can support your child’s visual development.  […]

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August 9, 2024
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FCOVD

The Cross-Eyed Baby: How to Treat

Children’s Eye Care

There are many ways to treat strabismus. Those include eyeglasses, contact lenses and prism lenses. Vision therapy is also very effective at improving strabismus, amblyopia, post concussion vision syndrome and patients who have binocular vision dysfunction.  […]

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August 9, 2024
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FCOVD

The Vision Therapist Becomes The Patient

Vision Therapy

Bella Vision’s lead vision therapist shared her path back from a traumatic brain injury, and how vision therapy, her teammates, and her patients helped her along the way. The month of March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, ​​bringing awareness about traumatic brain injury (TBI), prevention, and the quality of life for people living with a […]

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February 29, 2024
Shawn Wilson
A young woman reading a book by the window to enhance her visual perceptual skills.

These skills can take time to develop and master; fortunately, as a parent, you can help by regularly engaging in activities and playing with your child like games, puzzles and outside play, you can support your child’s visual development.  […]

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Crossed-eyed baby boy on nature in summer playing with mother on grass with sun rays on sunset

There are many ways to treat strabismus. Those include eyeglasses, contact lenses and prism lenses. Vision therapy is also very effective at improving strabismus, amblyopia, post concussion vision syndrome and patients who have binocular vision dysfunction.  […]

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Bella Vision’s lead vision therapist shared her path back from a traumatic brain injury, and how vision therapy, her teammates, and her patients helped her along the way. The month of March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, ​​bringing awareness about traumatic brain injury (TBI), prevention, and the quality of life for people living with a […]

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