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I Left The Land of Loneliness

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Describe Life BEFORE Vision Therapy:

Life Before Vision Therapy was VERY frustrating for me to say the least. I was very emotional, fearful, confused and just filled with anxiety about the future. In January 2008, I was involved in a terrible accident where I flipped over a bridge and landed upside down on my head. God truly blessed me. I walked out of the accident with no visible injuries, just a minor piece of glass that was flushed out of my eye. I went a good 8 more years of what I believed to be perfect health until December 9, 2016. (yes, I remember the actual date).

This began my downward spiral of what appeared to be a major health decline for me.  I was dealing with extreme dizziness, lightheadedness, dehydration, weight fluctuation, headaches, which as a result also changed my attitude and behavior in where I had feelings of anxiety, and depression at times. Even during these times of emotional stress and health issues, the Lord blessed me with the love of my life in March of 2017 to walk this (at times, lonely) journey with me.

There were multiple trips to the ER, neurologist, endocrinologist, chiropractor, rheumatologist, vestibular rehabilitation therapist and ENT doctor all throughout South Carolina and even Atlanta, Georgia. I was trying to find the answer, but no solution. Then towards the end of 2018, I visited the Optometrist at the BMW Associate Family Health Center. He informed me that I was experiencing double vision. This was my first-time hearing of this news. He then began to explain that he could either prescribe prisms or refer me to Bella Vision for (Vision) Therapy. I had NEVER heard of Vision Therapy, but thought I’d give it a try. I tell you… I am so grateful that I decided to go, because it absolutely CHANGED MY LIFE!

Describe Life AFTER Vision Therapy:

Life after vision therapy? Where do I began?

I feel like I can conquer the world, with no fear! I am happily married, I have been promoted in my career, and now pursuing the dream of having my own business, all with less dizzy spells. The tools Kristen introduced me to were mind blowing. We would literally just stop and take in that inconceivable moment after completing an exercise…just to fully embrace the journey and witness just how amazing the brain and eyes are connected.  I know without a shadow of a doubt, if I had NOT experienced vision therapy, I would have NOT pursued career changes and entrepreneurship with such energy and passion like I am now.

But, you see, it’s not just the tools that changed my life. It was the family atmosphere and love and support given by Kristen and Dr. Wilson. Those ladies are complete jewels in my life. They have such a passion to help people who are struggling with their vision. It’s a judgement free zone filled with love and motivation. Kristen and I built such a wonderful relationship, that I literally see her as my sister. We have such a bond because she could relate to me. It felt SO good to explain my issues and someone GET IT! I left the land of loneliness. Kristen pushed me to get out of this depressive and defeated mindset and embrace a life of growth, opportunities and hope. She encouraged me to speak what I want to see into existence and not allow what I am currently feeling to be considered my way of living forever. She taught me to think globally and not get too bogged down with the details because of the stress it would cause. You see, this was not just Vision Therapy for me…this was a mentorship, friendship, sisterhood. I am forever grateful to Kristen and I miss her terribly!

Is there anything you’d like to share with other patients who are considering Vision Therapy?

For anyone who is considering Vision Therapy with Bella Vision, I say to you, “YOU ARE WORTH IT! INVEST IN YOURSELF AND RECEIVE THE GUARANTEED HELP AND RESULTS! The entire staff there is phenomenal, professional, very knowledgeable and genuine! If you’re looking to be treated like another patient, then this place is not for you. Now, if you’re looking for a family who showers you with love, support and encouragement, then look no further.  This family has been there for me.

LaKeta wanted to personally thank members of our team and shared the following:

To Carly, Abby and Phyliss. You ladies ROCK! If ever I needed some spunk and excitement, I knew I would get it from you three! Your energy and spirit lifted me up, even on my challenging days and trust me there were some. Thank you all for just being a dynamite support.

Dr. Wilson, thank you for being a beacon of hope. I was so nervous when I first had the eye exam with you, but you made it SO relaxing. I felt at ease with you and you got me excited and more interested into how the brain and eyes work together. It’s AMAZING!! You truly love what you do, and your enthusiasm and passion just exude and takes over the room. You are a trail blazer and one truly touch the lives of those you encounter. Thank you, sweetness!

And finally, my Vision Therapist… (drum roll) KRISTEN FAUST!! Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for KRISTEN FAUST! Ok, so you know I had to be dramatic…what did you expect, I am a singer lol! Where do I EVEN begin. YOU ARE AMAZING! EXTRAORDINARY! ONE OF KIND! SUPPORTER! SHOULDER TO CRY ON! PICK ME UPPER! CHANGE AGENT! MOTIVATOR! ACTIVATOR! And SO MUCH MORE! You have been a dear friend and sister. Sister from another mother…OK! LOL! I love you Kristen and appreciate you greatly! There were days where I thought, “is it going to get better.” And you would always reassure me, yes it will. “Just do the work and watch your life improve.” Speak it into existence and believe that it will come to pass!” “This is only temporary.” Better days are coming. Thank you for listening to me when I just wanted to rant and release the stress. Thank you for that LAMP!

Thank you for the counseling sessions and thank you for the PUSH! You pushed me to embrace healing! You pushed me to pursue a life free from dizziness, double vision and lightheadedness. Both you and Dr. Wilson did that for me! I love ALL of you very much…Bella Vision is family to me! And that’s ENOUGH!

Written by admin

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  • Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307

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  • Friday: 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
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