Kids Eye Exams in Spartanburg

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Vision Plays a Key Role in Your Child’s Development

Early detection is key to providing your child with the tools to successfully navigate classroom and extracurricular activities. 

A comprehensive children eye examination can help detect common eye conditions in children such as myopia, amblyopia, and strabismus, which can play a key role in affecting your child’s learning development.

Our eye doctors at Bella Vision in Spartanburg are here to help ensure your child’s vision is ready for success. Book your child’s eye exam today.

When it is time for the kid’s eye exam?

Your child’s eyes are changing quickly as they grow. It’s important to schedule regular eye exams to check your child’s vision, important stages of development, abnormal growth, and eye health.

 The guidelines for the American Optometric Association are as follows:

  • First Exam: Between 6–12 months
  • Second Exam: Between 3–5 years
  • Yearly Eye Exams: Before first grade, then each year until 18

The recommendations are based on low-risk or asymptomatic pediatric patients.

Infant Eye Examinations

Did you know that infants need eye examinations too? Even if you don’t suspect visual problems, it’s recommended that your baby’s first eye exam should be around 6 months old.

InfantSEE Program

Bella Vision is proud to participate in InfantSee, a program designed to ensure that eye and vision care become an essential part of infant wellness care.

InfantSee is a program that aims to provide infants with free eye examinations. At Bella Vision, when we perform an eye exam on an infant, some things we look for are:

  • myopia (nearsightedness)
  • hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • astigmatism
  • eye movement ability
  • eye health problems

We Truly Care about Your Child’s Vision

We offer comprehensive treatments for your child, from vision therapy to myopia control, we’re with you every step of the way to help your child thrive. Don’t wait until it’s too late, visit our team at Bella Vision where your child will have a relaxed and welcome experience.

Our Location

Conveniently located on Spartanburg’s east side. If you have any difficulty locating us, please give us a call

Our Address

  • 142 Fernwood Drive
  • Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Awards


Can Dry Eye Cause Blindness?

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Disease doesn’t cause blindness on its own, but untreated complications can sometimes lead to severe vision problems, including pain, blurred vision that is not correctable with glasses and/or contact lenses and decrease in quality of life. […]

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March 4, 2025
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FOVDR

Is Vision Therapy a Hoax or a Valid Treatment?

Vision Therapy

Optometric Vision Therapy is a valid, effective treatment for certain visual conditions. Like with any therapy, success depends on the specific condition, the patient’s commitment to “do the work” and overall cognitive and systemic health.

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February 26, 2025
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FOVDR

Can You Use Contact Solution as Eye Drops?

Contact Lenses

Many people wonder if they can use contact solution as eye drops, especially in moments of discomfort or dryness. The short answer is: No, it’s not safe to use contact solution as eye drops.

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November 26, 2024
Janet Monaco Wilson, OD, FOVDR
A person with dry eye removes their glasses and rubs their eye.

Dry Eye Disease doesn’t cause blindness on its own, but untreated complications can sometimes lead to severe vision problems, including pain, blurred vision that is not correctable with glasses and/or contact lenses and decrease in quality of life. […]

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A vision therapist guides a child through eye exercises using a focusing string.

Optometric Vision Therapy is a valid, effective treatment for certain visual conditions. Like with any therapy, success depends on the specific condition, the patient’s commitment to “do the work” and overall cognitive and systemic health.

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Close up of a man with dry eyes using eye drops.

Many people wonder if they can use contact solution as eye drops, especially in moments of discomfort or dryness. The short answer is: No, it’s not safe to use contact solution as eye drops.

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