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Bella Vision Celebrates Opening of New Location

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Nine months after breaking ground, the doors are officially open at Bella Vision’s brand new, expanded location on Fernwood Drive. A ceremonial ribbon cutting event was attended by state and local leaders Friday to celebrate Bella Vision’s next chapter.

Officials in attendance emphasized continuing development in and around Spartanburg County and extended gratitude to businesses like Bella Vision for contributing to and serving that growth.

“I thank you for your investment in this community, and for all you do,” said John Kimbrell, chief business affairs officer with OneSpartanburg. “We certainly welcome you and congratulate you on this facility here.”

Sen. Shane Martin added, “Thank you for choosing Spartanburg and choosing to remain in Spartanburg.”

The spacious 7,200-square-foot location, which opened to patients in the greater Spartanburg area Oct. 3, is a response to nearly a decade of steady growth and increasing demand at Bella Vision’s original location. 

“What this expansion means to me is that our team can provide the advanced level of eye care that our community deserves,” said Bella Vision Owner Dr. Janet Wilson. “Thanks to the appropriate space, advanced technology and the continued educational growth of our team, we can do more to contribute to the overall health of our community.”

The design of the new location merges the original office’s welcoming asthetic with an elevated and clean, coastal palette. Every detail is purposeful, down to the glass light fixtures which represent eyes and lenses. 
Design aside, the office incorporates new technology and modern features with five exam rooms, specialized testing and contact lens fitting areas, dry eye treatment rooms and 1,500 square feet devoted solely to the practice’s optometric vision therapy program. The luxury eyewear boutique features new frame line offerings from independent brand Caroline Abram to the ever-popular Tom Ford to complement top-selling lines Barton Perreira, Silhouette and Etnia O. Barcelona.

“When I’m in our vision therapy clinic, it kind of blows my mind that the department alone is larger than our entire office was at the old location,” Dr. Wilson said.

The vision care team has grown to now include 15 members, including two optometrists – Dr. Wilson and Dr. Rachel Tanner, who joined the practice as an associate doctor in January, specializing in ocular disease management, specialty contact lenses, and primary care with a particular interest in pediatric care and glaucoma management.

“I am thrilled our patients have the opportunity to be under the care of such a high-caliber doctor in our associate, Dr. Tanner,” Dr. Wilson said. “Her experience and specialties across optometry has already benefitted so many of our patients since she joined us earlier this year. I know I’ve grown as a doctor being able to work closely alongside her every day.”

With more space, expanded offerings and a growing team of passionate, qualified eyecare experts, Bella Vision is open and ready to serve a growing patient base from across the Carolinas.

“With this new building, we can impact more people without sacrificing the quality of care,” Wilson said. “I am truly thankful for our community’s response and support over the years. I’m excited about the opportunity to serve more patients in Spartanburg and the surrounding communities.”

Written by Shawn Wilson

More Articles By Shawn Wilson

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Conveniently located on Spartanburg’s east side. If you have any difficulty locating us, please give us a call

Our Address

  • 142 Fernwood Drive
  • Spartanburg, South Carolina 29307

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Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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